Del wiki de los Wray Heights:
April 17th, 2006 It is fully advised for people who enter this suburb to avoid contact with any members of the PH, and fully resist their temptation of joinging their cult. The S.T.A.R.S., and their Elite CCT SQDRN, along wiht allies, ahve concluded this area to be a dangerous entryway for people who do not know the danger sof the PH and any group working specifically with zombies as a whole. The Pk'er organization of PH has been noticed by many groups, and there have been multiple raids, striking deep into the heart of the PH and their organization. Soon, theyw ill be erased from Wray Heights, and it will be safe for all to re enter this suburb. It is advised anyone entering Wray Heights should read closely into the events that have happened in East Greyside, to stay safe, and move along, without reviving and zombies that are PH.
Campaña de desinformación ya!
Otra cosa.Parece que Juggernauta se ha hecho famoso entre los STARS. Tiene hasta medalla personalizada!:
4/11/06 Update: Wow, Long time no update, everything is is pretty slow, a little PH killing here, a little casulties over there, except we revive people instantly, they take a few days to. Funny Fact: PH leader Juggernauta was spotted killing one of his own members in Wray Heights. Some fucking leader.
4/12/06 Update: The guerilla war rages on against the PH, with the S.T.A.R.S. scoring more kills every day. Using brutal hit-and-run tactics, the S.T.A.R.S. are continually catching the PH off guard and unprepared. The religious zealots apparently lack the ability to adapt or change tactics, and this will lead to their downfall. Oh, and I updated my wiki profile. Stephen Wolfe
4/15/06 Update: We have confirmation that Captain Greg Melayne has killed a high ranking PH cultist: Juggernauta. Melayne has been awarded a medal, too see the award, scroll down. We will soon have graphics for them and some other parts of the wiki.