Eso es el motivo del impeachment: investigar a Biden para tener información ventajosa.Trump le frena, diciéndole que «me gustaría que nos hicieras un favor, por cierto» (I would like you to do us a favor though) y le pide que investigue a Joe y Hunter Biden repetidamente.
De la transcripción:
¿Dónde pide que se investigue a Joe Biden repetidamente? No lo consigo encontrar.PT: "The other thing, There’s a lot of talk about Biden’s son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it... It sounds horrible to me."
Lo cojonudo es que los demócratas lanzan el impeachment que destapa los chanchullos del hijo de su principal candidato, el propio J. Biden había presumido en público sobre como frenó la investigación del fiscal.
Y la mierda a Biden le va a saltar de manera inminente. ... =c-alrt-GIJohn Solomon: Documents Prove Joe Biden’s Extortion Prevented Ukrainian Officials from Indicting His Son Hunter Biden
Investigative journalist John Solomon told Sean Hannity on Wednesday night that he has over 400 pages of documents that he will reveal tomorrow that show Hunter Biden’s legal team worked with the Ukrainian prosecutors to end the investigation on the vice president’s son.
P. D. Whasington Post:
It got almost no attention, but in May, CNN reported that Sens. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.), Richard J. Durbin (D-Ill.) and Patrick J. Leahy (D-Vt.) wrote a letter to Ukraine’s prosecutor general, Yuriy Lutsenko, expressing concern at the closing of four investigations they said were critical to the Mueller probe. In the letter, they implied that their support for U.S. assistance to Ukraine was at stake. Describing themselves as “strong advocates for a robust and close relationship with Ukraine,” the Democratic senators declared, “We have supported [the] capacity-building process and are disappointed that some in Kyiv appear to have cast aside these [democratic] principles to avoid the ire of President Trump,” before demanding Lutsenko “reverse course and halt any efforts to impede cooperation with this important investigation.” ... han-trump/So, it’s okay for Democratic senators to encourage Ukraine to investigate Trump, but it’s not okay for the president to allegedly encourage Ukraine to investigate Hunter Biden?
Cuando tenga más tiempo pongo mi teoría conspiranoica.