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Registrado: 22 Ago 2003 09:44

Re: Mundodisco

Mensaje por Yongasoo »

No está mal seguir las sagas, pero más adelante hay cosas que cambian en un libro y afectan al mundo en general y por lo tanto a otras sagas, así que creo que lo correcto es seguir el orden de publicación.

Dicho esto, la saga de La Guardia es brutal, si vas por el 5to todavía no te debés haber encontrado con ninguno, el primero es el 8vo.
"Apathy's a tragedy
And boredom is a crime"

GNU Terry Pratchett

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Re: Mundodisco

Mensaje por wendigo »


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Re: Mundodisco

Mensaje por Jazzid »

Puta mierda de vida.

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Re: Mundodisco

Mensaje por golondrino »

Menos llorar y más actuar.

Tomaros un copazo en su honor, con solemnidad, sin tonterías... solo mirad la copa y pensad en su obra, su persona y en Binky.
Ishkhaqwi ai durugnul!

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Registrado: 22 Ago 2003 09:44

Re: Mundodisco

Mensaje por Yongasoo »


"Apathy's a tragedy
And boredom is a crime"

GNU Terry Pratchett

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Registrado: 22 Ago 2003 09:44

Re: Mundodisco

Mensaje por Yongasoo »

¿Alguien sabe dónde puedo conseguir "Nation" en español en epub? Yo lo tengo pero en inglés y la parienta no se da maña con eso.
"Apathy's a tragedy
And boredom is a crime"

GNU Terry Pratchett

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Registrado: 22 Ago 2003 09:44

Re: Mundodisco

Mensaje por Yongasoo »

"Apathy's a tragedy
And boredom is a crime"

GNU Terry Pratchett

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Registrado: 22 Ago 2003 09:44

Re: Mundodisco

Mensaje por Yongasoo »

Goodbye, Sir Terry
Mar 12, 2015 Blog

I woke to the news that Sir Terry Pratchett has passed away. I knew this was coming, but—as with the passing of Robert Jordan almost eight years back—it still hit me like a slap to the face.

Many of you know of my fondness for Pratchett’s works. If you aren’t aware, here’s a piece that I wrote about him a while back. When I wrote it, I worried I strayed into hyperbole. Looking at it again, I now wonder if I didn’t say enough. Too many readers I’ve met, particularly in the States, have never given Pratchett a try.

The genre, and the world, just lost something wonderful in that man. Of all the writers I’ve read, Pratchett felt the most human. There was more truth in a single one of his humble satires than in a hundred volumes of poignant drama. Unlike most comedians—who use their humor like a weapon, always out for blood—Terry didn’t cut or bludgeon. He was far too clever for that. Instead, he’d slide down onto the bar stool beside us, drape his arm around us, and say something ridiculous, brilliant, and hilarious. Suddenly, the world would be a brighter place.

It wasn’t that he held back, or wasn’t—at times—biting. It’s just that he seemed to elevate every topic he touched, even when attacking it. He’d knock the pride and selfishness right out from underneath us, then—remarkably—we’d find ourselves able to stand without such things.

And we stood all the taller for it.

Sir Terry, you have my sincere thanks. I don’t think that, despite your many accolades, the world knows what it had in you. Fantasy certainly didn’t. Our glittering awards are made foolish and inconsequential by their disregard for you, though I doubt you cared much about them either way.

The most fitting memorial I can give is this: a request. For those of you reading this post, why not give this man’s legacy a try? If I had to guess which fantasy author of our era will be read most in the centuries to come, I’d lay my money on the works of Sir Terry Pratchett.

I suggest beginning your journey in Discworld with The Truth, Going Postal, or Guards! Guards!

Brandon Sanderson
"Apathy's a tragedy
And boredom is a crime"

GNU Terry Pratchett

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Re: Mundodisco

Mensaje por Criadillas »

Venga va!!

He intentado mirar páginas que recomiendan un orden a la saga y lo he dejado por imposible. Me fío más de vosotros.

¿Por qué libro me recomendais empezar con todo este tinglado?
Dunkis dijo:

Criadillas es un hombre triste de derechas, quién lo iba a decir.

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poshol na
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Registrado: 04 May 2007 01:34
Ubicación: Nag's Head

Re: Mundodisco

Mensaje por poshol na »


Más grande: ... 2-full.jpg

Empieza por el que quieras, mejor si es el primero de una saga.
Yo empecé por el primero de la primera saga (The colour of magic), pero todo el mundo recomienda no hacerlo porque es irregular. Muchoa dicen empezar por Mort o ¡Guardias!
La fusión del conceptismo y el culteranismo tecleó:
Anda y que den por el culo con la mierda diarrética esa que blasfemas por tu orificio vocal.
