We have now installed a lowtech PH Terror Level For the East Greyside Area. Every Week We will update the Alert, or when it seems fit.
RED- High Alert, STARS Members and Allies should be On Extreame Alert for PH members.
ORANGE- Hightened Alert, STARS Members and Allies shoule be watchful for PH members.
YELLOW- Central Alert, STARS Members and Allies should be catuiously alert for PH members.
YELLOW GREEN- Neutral Alert, STARS Members and Allies should be watchful for PH members, but shouldnt be too worried about them.
GREEN- Low Alert, STARS Members and Allies should be cautious, but keep the PH in the back of their mind.
Aprovechando que todavia me quedaban como 30 escopetazos ya que en el dia de la matanza de los 145 martires solo puede matar a un simbolico maltoniano he tirado hacia el East Greyside y como quien no quiere la cosa me he cargado a : Ez does it, Greg Melanie y un nuevo recluta.
A ver si podemos subir el farolillo a rojo.
Solo por ponerlo merecen que les persigamos hasta que llegue a defcon 3.
http://wiki.urbandead.com/index.php/Spe ... scue_Squad