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Campeonato de mártires
Publicado: 26 Abr 2009 18:11
por LunaOskura
Bien, si tenemos un hilo de hijoputismo para reportar nuestros asesinatos, pongamos aquí las bajas. Así quedará todo más ordenado a la hora de echar cuentas cuando acabemos la faena.
Mi primera mártir, qué emoción:
Phesada, a manos de Macaroni Machitty
http://www.shartak.com/profile.cgi?id=16613Mayhem, también a manos de Macaroni Machitty
Re: Campeonato de mártires
Publicado: 27 Abr 2009 00:07
por Jordison
Apathetic Bill attacks you with a machete for 1 damage. You die. (2009-04-30 13:47)
Damocles attacks you with a shovel for 2 damage. You die. (2009-05-02 13:11)
an angry mob fires at you with a rifle for 5 damage. You die. (2009-04-26 01:40)
A giant parakeet attacks you with a knife for 2 damage. You die. (2009-04-30 04:21)
Pathetic Bill attacks you with a machete for 5 damage. You die. (2009-05-03 01:17)
Diamond Joe Quimby attacks you with a knife for 2 damage. You die. (2009-05-04 22:18)
George W. Bush attacks you with a shovel for 2 damage. You die. (2009-05-07 05:31)
Pathetic BiII fires at you with a rifle for 5 damage. You die. (2009-05-13 01:03)
an angry mob fires at you with a rifle for 5 damage. You die. (2009-04-27 01:20)
Macaroni Machitty attacks you with a machete for 3 damage. You die. (2009-04-29 02:18)
Beelzebub fires at you with a rifle for 5 damage. You die. (2009-05-03 00:51)
Macaroni Machitty attacks you with a machete for 3 damage. You die. (2009-05-05 04:59)
Lincoln attacks you with a wooden club for 3 damage. You die. (2009-05-07 01:22)
Crazy Tom Cruise fires at you with a rifle for 5 damage. You die. (2009-04-27 16:58)
Pathetic Bill. attacks you with a knife for 2 damage. You die. (2009-05-02 02:32)
Pathetic BiIl attacks you with a knife for 2 damage. You die. (2009-04-29 15:43)
Macaroni Machitty attacks you with a knife for 2 damage. You die. (2009-05-02 02:37)
Killy v2 attacks you with a machete for 3 damage. You die. (2009-05-04 14:20)
PatheticBill fires at you with a rifle for 5 damage. You die. (2009-05-22 23:55)
Re: Campeonato de mártires
Publicado: 28 Abr 2009 02:30
por mayhem
Gica Muresan, a manos de
Crazy Tom Cruise (muy humillante)
lomoko mpimientos, a manos de
Publicado: 28 Abr 2009 07:28
por LunaOskura
LunaOskura a manos de
Beelzebub http://www.shartak.com/profile.cgi?id=14401Philemona por
A giant parakeet http://www.shartak.com/profile.cgi?id=12575Phasada por
Getsome Food http://www.shartak.com/profile.cgi?id=15336Philemona por
A giant parakeet otra vez
http://www.shartak.com/profile.cgi?id=12575fosPhoritera por
Apathetic Bill http://www.shartak.com/profile.cgi?id=14300Encima le dejé a Crazy Tom Cruise a 3hp... MUERTEEEEEE!!!
CamilaPHarker por
jook http://www.shartak.com/profile.cgi?id=17509OligoPHrenica por
Getsome Food http://www.shartak.com/profile.cgi?id=15336Phasada por
Pathetic Bill http://www.shartak.com/profile.cgi?id=14189
Publicado: 28 Abr 2009 07:52
por mayhem
Beelzebub me mató hace tiempo ya, ése no creo que cuente.
El que sí me ha matado hoy mismico ha sido
an angry mob, del GSUC y del clan de Keiichi. Lo tiene todo.
Re: Campeonato de mártires
Publicado: 28 Abr 2009 20:28
por Ramón
Mi joven pheruano Phamelico, que tras conseguir los papeles se transformó en otra maquina de matar más al servicio de San Poli, ha causado baja a manos del puto Crazy Tom Cruise.
Este reincidente tocapelotas se convierte en objetivo prioritario para el pH desde ya.
Re: Re:
Publicado: 28 Abr 2009 20:41
por LunaOskura
mayhem escribió:Beelzebub me mató hace tiempo ya, ése no creo que cuente.
2009-04-21 20:25
±Beelzebub killed ±madapHaca
Lo quito pues.
Re: Campeonato de mártires
Publicado: 04 May 2009 19:45
por Doctor Beaker
Diamond Joe Quimby está que lo tira: ayer me mató a uno y hoy a otro... será otro Bill?
Re: Campeonato de mártires
Publicado: 05 May 2009 04:07
por Yongasoo
Ayer me mató a mi. El joputa, lo busqué en forma fantasma pero no lo pude encontrar.
Re: Campeonato de mártires
Publicado: 07 May 2009 15:46
por Doctor Beaker
Killy v2 attacks you with a heavy sword for 1 damage. (2009-05-06 17:57)
Killy v2 attacks you with a heavy sword for 5 damage. (2009-05-06 17:57)
Killy v2 attacks you with a heavy sword for 5 damage. (2009-05-06 17:58)
Killy v2 attacks you with a heavy sword for 1 damage. (2009-05-06 17:58)
Killy v2 attacks you with a heavy sword for 5 damage. (2009-05-06 17:58)
Killy v2 attacks you with a heavy sword for 1 damage. (2009-05-06 17:58)
Killy v2 attacks you with a heavy sword for 5 damage. (2009-05-06 17:58)
Killy v2 attacks you with a heavy sword for 5 damage. (2009-05-06 17:58)
Killy v2 attacks you with a heavy sword for 1 damage. (2009-05-06 17:59)
Killy v2 attacks you with a heavy sword for 5 damage. (2009-05-06 17:59)
Killy v2 attacks you with a heavy sword for 5 damage. (2009-05-06 17:59)
Killy v2 attacks you with a heavy sword for 5 damage. (2009-05-06 17:59)
Killy v2 attacks you with a heavy sword for 5 damage. (2009-05-06 17:59)
Killy v2 attacks you with a heavy sword for 5 damage. (2009-05-06 17:59)
Killy v2 attacks you with a heavy sword for 1 damage. (2009-05-06 18:00)
Killy v2 attacks you with a heavy sword for 5 damage. (2009-05-06 18:00)
Killy v2 attacks you with a heavy sword for 5 damage. (2009-05-06 18:00)
Killy v2 attacks you with a heavy sword for 5 damage. (2009-05-06 18:00)
Killy v2 attacks you with a machete for 3 damage. (2009-05-06 18:00)
Killy v2 attacks you with a machete for 1 damage. (2009-05-06 18:00)
Killy v2 attacks you with a dagger for 2 damage. You die. (2009-05-06 18:00)
Se le rompió la espada... que se joda, tú.