Que hijoputahs los TARADOX y algunos de sus amigüitos sin grupo. Ahora que tenía un plan, vienen a buscarme. Esta noche me se me han cargao a tres milikos, y dos duros de cerebelo. Total, me he tenío que gastar acciones en dar vueltas, abrir necrotech y revivirme a todos mis mimismos.
He logrado contenerme y no buscar venganza. Que les den! Todo a su tiempo... Ahora es tiempo de RETAARDTEINMENT!
Pero bueno, no todo es llorar, entre tanta tropa siempre hay algún valiente dispuesto a hacer el 'acto heróico' del día:
You fire at Pvt Shicklegruber for 10 damage. Their flak jacket absorbs 2 points of that damage. They die.
Por cierto mis nenes, no queríais chivatasos de los buenos... me lo cargué aquí:
East Grayside [69,82]
You are inside Witchell Street Police Dept. The building has been extremely heavily barricaded. Also here are Yaps (50HP), grimwall (50HP), Bobbym (50HP), Rankun Fhile (60HP), Jacob Kindbom (50HP), Titing Galit (50HP), Kaiser Mannerheim (60HP), Running Donkey (50HP), Jeffery Archer (46HP), Blumonkster (57HP), Donnie Drake (60HP), kendall rush (50HP), Zelchan3 (50HP), Hinora (43HP), Redpatch (58HP), xXAnother ZombieXx (50HP), Johnny Pencilpusher (50HP), Master Kenobi (50HP), Bars2 (37HP), Judge Winstone (50HP), GI Jograd (50HP), pudhole (60HP), sleepman (50HP), josh121234 (60HP), Jack Howitzer (60HP), Valerian55 (50HP), Skyler Sharpe (50HP), Fang90 (50HP), flagella (36HP), Eggar (50HP), lockner (50HP), Briccy (60HP), Girimm (50HP), chad jones (36HP), Garth Crooks (60HP), ez does it (50HP), Slammin Sammy (50HP), grrrrl (37HP), Mista Bones (50HP), cranie2000 (54HP), Riley Mcleod (60HP), g4361 (39HP), Peer Gynt (50HP), Wallace2 (50HP).
http://www.urbandead.com/profile.cgi?id=458087 (jeje, soy yo!)
Y al ladico Scarletwood [70,83]
You are inside Gerard Crescent Police Dept. The building has been extremely heavily barricaded. Also here are Slappy McBludgeon (60HP), Iain Mack (60HP), Red Dawson (60HP), Laura Mansion (50HP), grahame3 (50HP), vc zul (60HP), Nia (60HP), Judge Arthur (50HP), Vilkesy (60HP), katadder (60HP), Isaac Mortoff (60HP), delmair (58HP), alihno3 (50HP), Chaka Luther King (60HP), Roy Allenson (50HP), sweet butter (50HP), danigeorge3 (60HP), Robert Fisk (50HP), will0wisp (60HP), emperorreagan (60HP), Walter Moers (50HP), Judge Terry (60HP), Billy Dunn (50HP), Dr Beer (50HP), ILoveHorsies (60HP), smellysoccermom (60HP), Reno Raines (60HP), Rob Lasso (50HP), SonnyBono (60HP), tv casualty (35HP), Madeleine Parker (60HP), tylerr (60HP), Cranie (60HP), jigglytits (50HP), Bruno Leao Guimaraes (50HP), Sulleih Threih (50HP), Delicious (60HP), Hilldold (50HP), phlakk (60HP), twitch262 (49HP), SolarRhino (60HP), Doc Amaway (48HP), Judge Timmy (50HP).
http://www.urbandead.com/profile.cgi?id=336702 (el amigo de los niños)
http://www.urbandead.com/profile.cgi?id=519346 (sa es la empresa de mi amigou, virus002 S.A., no cunden como un verdadero Retard, pero le dan gustico al arroz)
Venga mis zombises, ya tardais en improvisar un bloody sunday o aunque sea un monday cansino. Estoy por saltar por la ventana para poder entrar ahí de zombi por los viejos tiempos, jarl!
Mejor me inmolo un día de estos! ¡como me im-molo!